Corporate ethics
At Cerealto, adherence to corporate ethics and compliance with current regulations is essential. We demand from our administrators, managers and collaborators a commitment to ethical action and strict compliance with the law in the development of all their activities.
Code of Conduct
It reflects our social, ethical and professional values and commitments as an essential part of our corporate culture in the development of our activity in the countries in which we operate.
Whistleblowing channel
Cerealto has a Internal Information Channelaccessible from the website, the intranet and the corporate app, which allows any employee or third party to report possible irregular or unethical conduct or conduct that goes against the provisions of the Code of Conduct.
The Whistleblower Channel guarantees confidentiality, communications may also be made anonymously. All complaints received are analysed by the Group's Regulatory Compliance Oversight and Control Body, they are responsible for analysing, investigating and resolving them.